Resistance is Not Enough
The President has declared war on representative democracy. He must be vanquished.
The Scope of This President’s Criminality Is Explosive
We have to keep up or we’ll lose our democracy.
There’s no need to catalog for members of this network the multiple illegal actions taken by the President of the United States over the past two weeks. To say he has failed “to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution,” is to belabor the obvious. Both the Constitution and the American Government are under attack, directed by the very man who took that oath on January 20. He is a traitor to his country, and he must be stopped.
In the midst of his blizzard of coordinated assaults designed to distract and overwhelm, special attention must be paid to two of the most brazen and impactful moves taken against our Constitutional order and the rule of law. These are:
The wide-spread and wholly illegal firing of career employees at government agencies, and
Granting Elon Musk and his DOGE accomplices full access to the entire payment system of the United States Treasury.
The particular intent of these actions is:
First, to quickly eliminate all resistance to destruction of our carefully-constructed system of governance within a democratic republic, and
Second, to eliminate the control of Congress over the spending power of the United States as established by Article 1 of the Constitution.
Together these two provide the essential components of the President’s unlawful seizure of power.
Even as FBI agents, Inspectors General and other senior officials in the Justice, Treasury and State Departments are being “escorted” from the premises where they work, federal employment statutes have not changed. Federal workers are still protected by the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, as well as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, to mention just two. But those restrictions are being completely disregarded in the interest of insuring that every part of the federal workforce will submit to this President’s betrayal.
The attack on Congressional authority over revenue and spending has shocked Democrats in the Senate and House. In response, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), ranking member on the Senate Finance Committee, sent a letter on Friday demanding answers from Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent. As reports emerged that Musk's team were trying to gain access to the payment system, Senator Wyden wrote:
"I can think of no good reason why political operators who have demonstrated a blatant disregard for the law would need access to these sensitive, mission-critical systems.”
After pointing out the risks this poses to payments such as Social Security and military salaries, he continued:
“Most importantly, the federal government is in a financially precarious position …I am deeply concerned by the possibility that Elon Musk and a cadre of other unknown DOGE personnel are seeking to gain access to and potentially control the Fiscal Service’s payment systems in order to carry out a political agenda that clearly involves violating the law.”
However, Senator Wyden’s “deep concern” leads in his conclusion to a series of what can only be called polite requests.
“Please provide answers to the following questions no later than February 12, 2025.”
On Sunday Sen. Elizabeth Warren (R-MA), ranking member of the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, wrote a similar letter to Secretary Bessent, though her deadline for answers is February 7.
While adherence to the norms and protocols of decorum that normally characterize Senatorial inquiries is important to maintain, their formality lacks the passion appropriate to the severity of the violations at issue.
Other Democratic lawmakers have been much more direct on social media. Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D.-Wash.) posted:
"Elon Musk, the richest man on Earth, is rooting around in Social Security and Medicare payment systems. He's reaching his hands into our pockets and firing anyone who tries to stop him. This reeks of corruption—it must stop."
Alexandria Occasio-Cortez (D-NY) posted:
“If this operation is so legit, why can’t those involved get a proper security clearance? Offer transparency to the American people? This is a plutocratic coup. If you want the power, run for office and be chosen by the people. Short of that, this is an exercise in vigilantism.”
On Tuesday, Constitutional Scholar Rep. Jamie Raskin (R-MD) spoke to the press at a protest staged by House Democratic legislators outside the office of USAID — an agency the President and Elon Musk are trying to eliminate, entirely without legal authority to do so. In what was the most forceful public display yet of opposition by elected federal office-holders to the on-going attempted overthrow of our government, Mr. Raskin declared that the country is today experiencing a Constitutional crisis.
That is an understatement. Many have more accurately described it as a coup attempt, akin to the January 6, 2021 insurrection.
Exactly what is happening right now?
And what can be done?
While the world’s attention is on economic disruption, tariffs and potential trade wars, it’s imperative that we American citizens remain focused on the nature of what is happening inside our country at this hour. The threat to our representative democracy is existential, and if lost it may be irretrievable. Let there be no doubt.
The United States is being attacked by its President and Vice President.
The only Constitutional remedy is impeachment.
Statements expressing outrage and calls for investigations are important, as is the filing of lawsuits challenging illegal actions being undertaken by the President. Likewise, the renewed activism of grassroots organizations suggests an ever more widespread reaction to the President’s attacks. But so far, these are essentially defensive moves of limited effectiveness. Alone, they are insufficient responses at a moment that calls for an aggressive counter-attack.
A strong defense postpones defeat. A strong offense insures victory.
Last July in the aptly named case Trump v. United States, the Supreme Court declared that, alone among all citizens of the United States, the President is allowed to violate the law when acting in his official capacity. According to the Court’s decision, the people’s only recourse is impeachment.
The assault we face is brutal and relentless. This could literally be over and lost in a matter of weeks. We have to be thinking ahead, and be prepared to act decisively at the earliest possible opportunity to neutralize the threat.
We the people must target this serpent at its head.
As many have noted elsewhere, it’s crucial that we not surrender in advance.
That includes not ruling out impeachment as something that can never happen because of the Republican majority in the House. Those who maintain that “we don’t have the votes to impeach” are conceding defeat before even attempting to affect the result.
The Republican majority is exceedingly fragile and the GOP is riven into bitterly opposed factions. The divisions were vividly exposed during the 118th Congress when Speaker Kevin McCarthy was removed from office and multiple ballots were required to elect his successor. Their differences have been temporarily papered over in an attempt to form a unified governing majority in the 119th Congress.
But the reality of a rogue criminal MAGA Republican President is likely to reopen wounds within the party. As they see firmly established Congressional prerogatives being systematically eroded, traditional conservative Republicans are likely to question their continued fealty to a President displaying contempt for their long and deeply-held faith in American institutions. This will be an opportunity we can, and will, exploit so long as we commit to not surrendering in advance.
The House of Representatives is the front line in the coming battle. With the Supreme Court having abdicated it’s authority over the President’s criminality, only Congress, as a co-equal branch of government, has the power to rein in the Chief Executive. And the House of Representative is precisely where our Feathers of Hope network has focused its activism since its launch in January 2023. Now it’s up to us to take the lead, laying the groundwork now for the inevitable showdown to come.
First we need to convince the doubters on our own side that Impeachment is not only possible, it’s the only conclusive solution to this “constitutional crisis”. Anything less than removal of both the President and the Vice-President only prolongs the struggle.
Secondly, we will need to recruit Republican allies in the House to join us in the preservation of democracy and the rule of law. Their participation is essential to success. Impeachment and conviction requires bipartisanship. That effort begins now.
Once again, do not surrender in advance.
Under the Constitution, impeachment must initially be charged by the House of Representatives.
It is not necessary for Articles of Impeachment to cite a specific statutory violation. Impeachment does not impose a punitive sentence, but merely removes the defendant from office and bars his future eligibility to hold the office. Therefore, any vaguely worded charge (such as “endangering national security”) will suffice to provide a basis for conviction.
Since the current Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson (R-LA) is complicit in the attack, he must first be removed and replaced by a majority vote of the Members.
Unlike in 2023, according to Rules for the 119th Congress passed last month, a motion to “vacate the chair” requires agreement by nine members of the Speaker’s own party in order to be brought to a vote. While this may today appear to provide a wall of protection for the Speaker, it is not an insurmountable obstacle. Growing economic and social insecurity as a result of the President’s illegal actions can be expected to quickly increase pressure on Congress to end the crisis.
There already exists in the House a de facto bipartisan alliance which has previously provided more than enough votes to raise the debt ceiling, approve military assistance to Ukraine and continue funding to avert government shutdowns.
Member of this alliance must be implored to once again come to the rescue of their country. While enormously more consequential, it should ultimately be an easier task than before, as they will also be acting to protect their own continued role as a co-equal branch of government.
Great care must be exercised when choosing Mr. Johnson’s successor as that person will ascend to the Presidency upon the impeachment and conviction of Mr. Trump and Mr. Vance.
This is now effectively a war: the President vs. the People
There is no viable path other than that outlined above to decisively repel the forces currently overwhelming our defenses. The President has made it blindingly obvious that there will be no negotiation or compromise. Our only choice is to mount a vigorous counter-attack at his most vulnerable point: the right flank, where there are already fractures between the MAGA and “Traditional Republican” factions of the GOP.
If the institutions we have built and nourished for nearly 250 years are to survive, they must be fully brought to bear against the enemy with all the power they can summon. Any reluctance or hesitation at this point invites the total downfall of our democracy.
The President and his Vice-President must be removed from office.
So What Can We Do Today, Right Now?
Raise your voice! Create momentum for Impeachment.
There are two avenues to inspire a movement for Impeachment.
Raise the subject repeatedly on social media and in the comments sections of publishing platforms like Substack.
Every day there are pleas from activists in those forums begging for some leader to lead, to actually Do Something!
Working to bring about Impeachment is doing something; it’s concrete and potentially the only effective path to victory. We can channel this longing for action by introducing Impeachment into the narrative of resistance and opposition at every opportunity. This post provides the background and factual information needed to refute those who consider Impeachment to be a futile gesture.
Directly contact Members of the House of Representatives to persuade them to take the steps necessary to initiate Impeachment.
As noted above, it’s most important to appeal to “traditional Republicans” if this effort is to succeed. So long as only Democrats are supportive, nothing will happen.
Fortunately, it is the traditional conservatives who are most likely to have a life-long loyalty to the Constitution and the rule of law. So as this president’s blatantly illegal conduct becomes ever harder to deny, their willingness to put country first is ever more likely to grow.
Here are three influential Republican moderates to call.
Although nine Republican votes will be needed to remove Mike Johnson from the Speakership, at this time we should concentrate on making multiple contacts to just a few Members known for promoting bipartisanship. If persuaded to consider joining Democrats in the Impeachment effort, each of these can be expected to bring at least a few colleagues into the movement with them.
Keep in mind that we’ll disagree with them on most policy issues. Policy issues reflect the differences between parties, and are what divides us. Commitment to the institutions of government, where our differences are debated, is what unites us as a democracy.
Phone calls are the easiest way to communicate, but letters can be especially effective if carefully worded to sound both reasonable and respectful. In general, the aides who answer the phone are polite and welcoming so long as callers are courteous. Compliment
(Tip: Some automated systems require entering your zip code to screen calls for district constituents only. In that case, I enter the district office zip. But if asked in person for residence information, I explain that I’m not a constituent but am calling about a matter that affects all districts, also lauding the Member’s influence and respect for bipartisan solutions).
Don Bacon: (202) 225-4155 D.C. —— (402) 938-0300 District Office
2104 Rayburn House Office Building —Washington, DC 20515
District Office: 3906 Gold Circle, Suite 101 — Omaha, NE 68144
Don Bacon is probably the most bipartisan Representative in the House. He has represented Nebraska’s 2nd District in Congress since 2017. A former Brigadier General in the United States Air Force, he has earned four Master’s degrees, including one from the National War College. After retiring from the military he was Assistant Professor at University of Bellevue (Nebraska) until elected to the House.
Mr. Bacon’s Omaha area district has long voted for Democratic presidential candidates (carried by Pres. Biden 52% to 46%, Harris 51% to 47%), and so he’s not really vulnerable to a primary challenge from MAGA. He opposed efforts to overturn the 2020 election and voted with Democrats to establish the January 6 Commission. He also was one of 13 Republicans to vote with Democrats for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
In late 2022, Rep. Bacon said that if Kevin McCarthy did not have enough votes to become the next Speaker, he’d be willing to “work with like-minded people across the aisle to find someone agreeable for Speaker.”
Brian Fitzpatrick: (202) 225-4276 D.C. —— (215) 579-8102 District Office
271 Canon House Office Building - Washington, DC 20515
District Office: 1717 Langhorne Newtown Rd. Suite 225 — Langhorne, PA 19047
Brian Fitzpatrick is another well-respected centrist Republican leader. He is co-chair with Democrat Thomas Suozzi (D-NY) of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, and has represented Pennsylvania’s 1st District, in Congress since 2017. Formerly an FBI Special Agent and Federal Prosecutor, he was embedded with U.S. Special Forces in Iraq.
The Pennsylvania 1st is a swing district (carried by Pres. Biden 52% to 46%, Harris 47.9% to 47.4%) of suburbs just North of Philadelphia. In 2020, Mr. Fitzpatrick said he could not vote for Donald Trump and opposed efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election. He also opposed the GOP effort to repeal Obamacare, opposed building the border wall, and supports the Paris climate agreement. In 2023 he was appointed to the United States Group of NATO’s Parliamentary Assembly (legislators from NATO-member countries working together on global security issues).
David Joyce: (202) 225-5731 D.C. —— (440) 352-3939 District Office
2065 Rayburn House Office Building -- Washington, DC 20515
District Office: 8500 Station Street, Suite 390 — Mentor, OH 44060
David Joyce represents Ohio’s 14th District, extending from Youngstown to Lake Erie along the Pennsylvania border. Formerly a public defender, and then a prosecutor, he has been in Congress since 2012.
In 2017 he voted against repeal of Obamacare, and he opposed the effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election. As co-chair of the bipartisan Cannabis Caucus, Mr. Joyce favors letting each State decide legality. He supports bipartisan efforts for environmental clean-up of water resources (rivers and lakes). He was chairman of the moderate Republican Governance Group from 2022 to 2025. During balloting for Speaker in 2023, Bill Clinton’s Labor Secretary Robert Reich proposed that a cross-party alliance should consider electing Representative Joyce as Speaker.
If you have the time, you might also want to call House Democratic leaders to register your support for Impeachment. The more often they hear voters calling for it, the sooner they will take necessary steps to begin the process.
Minority Leader: Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), 202-225-5936
Minority Whip: Katherine Clark (D-MA), 202-225-2836
Caucus Chair: Pete Aguilar (D-CA), 202-225-3201
Speaker Emerita: Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), 202-225-4965
Stop the coup.
Hakeem Jeffries can identify about 20 House Republicans who possibly could flip. Three are Cuban Americans from Miami. Here's a letter from a MAGAT, my rep, who represents a majority Dem district.*uo1jgf*_ga*MDMwMjhjMzctZTFlNy00YzExLWE3NTEtZGUxMmY1OGY0YjEw*_ga_14T5LGLSQ3*MTczNzc0NTk1My4zLjEuMTczNzc0Njg2Ny44LjAuMA..
Please identify all these reps and interview them. Pressure them.
While I agree wholeheartedly with your suggestion that Felon47 be impeached as quickly as possible, and replaced by someone who, while they may differ politically, at minimum respects and will adhere to the laws of the United States, if we're going to approach Republicans (and some Democrats) with a concept that has failed twice to remove the traitor from office we're going to need a very pointed and specific bill of particulars to present. It will have to be tightly worded and supported by publicly available information that is incontestable because it will be attacked immediately as a purely political play and we can't afford to waste this weapon because of the much greater than zero possibility of success.
Like Daniel, I'm represented in Congress by a MAGAt; unlike him, her district was very carefully drawn to avoid a challenge two cycles ago that would likely have resulted in her defeat. I'll happily pay a visit to her local office and present our arguments, but having a concrete document to leave would strengthen the presentation immensely. Maybe Cong. Raskin or someone on his team could take the lead on this and give us something to work with while we set about building support for the action. I suspect that persuading enough House Republicans to support an impeachment would shake loose at minimum sufficient Senators to convict and remove him. Time is indeed of the essence, but so is lining up the ducks.