Feathers of Hope is a network of ordinary citizens committed to advocating for the removal and replacement of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House, thereby diminishing the power and influence of MAGA extremists in the chamber.
We have been urging moderate Republicans and Democrats in the House of Representatives to form a temporary bipartisan majority voting bloc for the purpose of passing a motion to “vacate the chair” and elect a new Republican Speaker who owes nothing to the minority MAGA group.
House Members Contact Info - 9 Republicans, 8 Democrats
The contact information below includes several local party committees. In addition to calling the Representative’s office, it’s helpful to email these committee members to acquaint them with our effort and ask that they mention it to their Representative.
John Curtis: (202) 225-7751 D.C. —— (801) 922-5400 District
2323 Rayburn House Office Building - Washington, DC 20515
District Office: 3549 North University Avenue, Suite 275 — Provo, UT 84604
Utah Republican Party: info@utgop.org
Utah Democratic Party: info@utahdemocrats.org
John Curtis represents Utah’s 3rd District, in Congress since 2017; originally registered as a Democrat to “counter one-party dominance” in Utah (switched to Repub. in 2006); publicly emphasizes his independence from Trump and need for bipartisanship; opposed efforts to overturn 2020 election
Ashley Hinson: (202) 225-2911 D.C. —— (319) 364-2288 District
1717 Longworth House Office Building - Washington,DC 20515
District Office: 118 Third Avenue SE, Suite 206 — Cedar Rapids,IA 52401
Linn County GOP Officer Emails:
Bernie Hayes, chair@linncountygop.org
Barrett Hubbard, cochair@linncountygop.org
Matthew O’Neal, secretary@linncountygop.org
Kathleen Banowetz, treasurer@linncountygop.org
Linn County Democratic Officer Emails:
Jerred Taylor, chair@linncodems.org
Susan Heath, vicechair1@linncodems.org
Chris Smith, vicechair2@linncodems.org
Krystal Overvig, vicechair3@linncodems.org
Renee Windsor-White, secretary@linncodems.org
Jackie Montague, treasurer@linncodems.org
Ashley Hinson represents Iowa’s 2nd District, in Congress since 2020; formerly was anchor/reporer/producer on KCRG-TV9; represents swing district formerly represented by a Democrat; won 2 terms in her state House district which Hillary Clinton won in 2016; was one of 39 Republicans to vote with all Democrats for an anti-trust bill (Merger Filing Fee Modernization Act) targeting corporations for anti-competitive behavior; voted for Respect for Marriage Act.
Brian Fitzpatrick: (202) 225-4276 D.C. —— (215) 579-8102 District
2323 Rayburn House Office Building - Washington, DC 20515
District Office: 1717 Langhorne Newtown Rd. Suite 225 — Langhorne, PA 19047
Bucks County Republicans: info@bucksgop.org
Bucks County Democrats: info@bucksdemocrats.org
Represents Pennsylvania’s 1st District, in Congress since 2016; formerly was FBI Special Agent and Federal Prosecutor; embedded with U.S. Special Forces in Iraq; represents swing district (carried by Pres. Biden 52% to 46%); said he could not vote for Trump; opposed GOP effort to repeal Obamacare; opposed building border wall; supported Paris climate agreement; opposed efforts to overturn 2020 election, Brian Fitzpatrick is co-chair of Problem Solvers Caucus. He was also just appointed to United States Group of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (legislators from NATO-member countries working together on global security issues).
David Joyce: (202) 225-5731 D.C. —— (440) 352-3939 District
2065 Rayburn House Office Building -- Washington, DC 20515
District Office: 8500 Station Street, Suite 390 — Mentor, OH 44060
Lake County Republicans: info@lakegop.com
Lake County Democrats: lakecountydems@att.net
David Joyce epresents Ohio’s 14th District, in Congress since 2012; attorney, formerly a public defender, and then a prosecutor; in 2017 voted against repeal of Obamacare; co-chair of bipartisan Cannabis Caucus, favors letting each State decide legality; supports bipartisan efforts for environmental clean-up of water resources (rivers and lakes); opposed effort to overturn 2020 election; chairman, Republican Governance Group. During the balloting for Speaker in early January, former Clinton admin. Labor Secretary Robert Reich proposed that a cross-party alliance should consider electing Representative Joyce as Speaker.
Don Bacon: (202) 225-4155 D.C. —— (402) 938-0300 District
2104 Rayburn House Office Building —Washington, DC 20515
District Office: 3906 Gold Circle, Suite 101 — Omaha, NE 68144
Douglas County Republican Party Officers:
Chairman Chris Routhe, Chairman@DCRPOnline.com
Executive Director Chris Nelson, Exec@DCRPOnline.com
Treasurer James Houlihan, Treasurer@DCRPOnline.com
Douglas County Democratic Party Chairman
C J King, chair@douglascountydemocrats.com
Don Bacon represents Nebraska’s 2nd District, in Congress since 2017; formerly Brigadier General, United States Air Force; has earned four Master’s degrees, including one from the National War College; after retiring from military was Assistant Professor at University of Bellevue (Nebraska) until elected to House in 2016; represents swing district (carried by Pres. Biden 52% to 46%) one of 13 Republicans to vote with Democrats for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act; voted with Democrats to establish January 6 Commission; opposed efforts to overturn 2020 election. In November 2022, Rep. Bacon said that if Kevin McCarthy did not have enough votes to become Speaker that he’d be willing to “work with like-minded people across the aisle to find someone agreeable for Speaker,” adding “we need to govern. We can't sit neutral; we can't have total gridlock for two years".
Mike Gallagher: (202) 225-5665 D.C. —— (920) 301-4500 District
1211 Longworth House Office Building — Washington, DC 20515
District Office: 1702 Scheuring Road, Suite B — De Pere,WI 54115
Brown County Republicans: info@bcrepublicans.net
Brown County Democrats: info@browncountydems.com
Mike Gallagher represents Wisconsin’s 8th District, in Congress since 2017; served 7 years as intelligence officer in U.S. Marine Corps (Iraq), then was a Foreign Policy Advisor to U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee; speaks Arabic; holds 3 Master’s Degrees and a PhD from Georgetown University; criticized Trump for “side shows distracting from real issues” and opposed efforts to overturn 2020 election; has history of working with Democratic House Members on tariffs, jobs, veterans affairs and cybersecurity issues; chairs the new committee on the Chinese Communist Party (created by a 365-65 vote) which has been praised as “bipartisan, serious and productive”; supports military aid for Ukraine; voted for Respect for Marriage Act.
In 2018, Mr. Gallagher wrote an article for Atlantic Monthly titled "How to Salvage Congress"in which he wrote: “The problem is a defective process and a power structure that, whichever party is in charge, funnels all power to leadership and stifles debate and initiative within the ranks.”
Andrew Garbarino: (202) 225-7896 D.C. —— (631) 541-4225 District
2344 Rayburn House Office Building — Washington, DC 20515 — Fax: (202) 226-2279
District Office: 31 Oak St., Suite 20 — Patchogue, NY 11772
Suffolk County Republicans: info@suffolkcountygop.com
Suffolk County Democrats: info@suffolkcountydems.com
Andrew Garbarino represents New York’s 2nd District, in Congress since 2021; former tax attorney and State Assembly Member; 3 days after being sworn in on January 6, 2021, stated that Congress has no authority to overturn the election; voted to establish January 6 Commission; was one of 13 Republicans to vote with Democrats for the Infrastructure Act; voted for Respect for Marriage Act; member of Problem Solvers Caucus and Republican Governance Group.
Dan Newhouse: (202) 225-5816 D.C. —— (509) 452-3243 District
504 Cannon House Office Building — Washington,DC 20515 — Fax: (202) 225-3251
District Offices: 402 E. Yakima Ave., Suite #1000 — Yakima,WA 98901 Fax: (509) 452-3438 and 3100 George Washington Way #130 — Richland,WA 99354 — (509) 713-7374
Yakima County Democrats: yakimacountydems@gmail.com
Dan Newhouse represents Washington’s 4th District, in Congress since 2015; formerly state Agriculture Director; worked with Democratic Representative Zoe Lofgren on immigration issues; member of Republican Governance Group; opposed Trump’s tariff increases; voted to impeach Trump after Jan. 6; voted for Jan. 6 committee; voted for Respect for Marriage Act.
David Valadao: (202) 225-4695 D.C. —— (661) 864-7736 District
2465 Rayburn House Office Building — Washington, DC 20515
District Offices: 2700 M Street, Suite 250B — Bakersfield, CA 93301 — Fax: (833) 284-9090 and 107 South Douty Street — Hanford, CA 93230 — (559) 460-6070 Fax: (559) 584-3564
David Valadao represents California’s 21st District, in Congress 2013-2019, 2021-present; former dairy farmer and state Assemblyman; swing district, leans Democratic; worked with Democrats on immigration issues, including protection of DACA program; objected to Trump’s family separation policy; voted to impeach Trump after Jan. 6; voted for Respect for Marriage Act.
Hakeem Jeffries: (202) 225-5936 D.C. —— (718) 237-2211 District
2433 Rayburn House Office Building — Washington, DC 20515
District Office: 55 Hanson Place, Suite 603 — Brooklyn, NY 11217
Minority Leader, Former Chair House Democratic Caucus, represents New York’s 8th District, in Congress since 2012; formerly practicing attorney and state Assemblyman
Katherine Clark: (202) 225-2836 D.C. —— (617) 354-0292 District
2368 Rayburn Building — Washington, DC 20515
District Office: 157 Pleasant St, Suite 4 — Malden, MA 02148
Minority Whip, represents Massachusetts’ 5th District, in Congress since 2013; formerly practicing attorney and state Assemblywoman
Pete Aguilaro: (202) 225-3201 D.C. —— (909) 890-4445 District
108 Cannon House Office Building — Washington, DC 20515
District Office: 685 E. Carnegie Drive, Suite 100 — San Bernardino, CA 92408 — Fax: (909) 890-9643
Chair, House Democratic Caucus, represents California’s 33rd District, in Congress since 2021; formerly Mayor of Redlands, CA
Nancy Pelosi: (202) 225-4965 D.C. —— (415) 556-4862 District
1236 Longworth House Office Bldg. Washington, DC 20515
District Office: 90 7th Street, Suite 2-800 — San Francisco, CA 94103
Former Speaker of the House, represents California’s 12th District, in Congress since 1987; formerly chair of California Democratic Party and finance chair of DSCC
Steny Hoyer: (202) 225-4131 D.C. —— (301) 474-0119 District
1705 Longworth House Office Building — Washington,DC 20515 — Fax: (202) 225-4300
District Offices: U.S. District Courthouse — 6500 Cherrywood Lane, Suite 310 — Greenbelt,MD 20770 — Fax: (301) 474-4697 and 4475 Regency Place, Suite 203 — White Plains,MD 20695 — (301) 843-1577 Fax (301) 843-1331
Former Majority Leader, represents Maryland’s 5th District, in Congress since 1981; holds JD degree from Georgetown University, formerly State Senator
James Clyburn: (202) 225-3315 D.C. —— (803) 799-1100 District
274 Cannon House Office Building — Washington, DC 20515
District Offices: 1225 Lady Street, Suite 200 — Columbia, SC 29201 — Fax (803) 799-9060 and 130 W. Main Street — Kingstree, SC 29556 — (843) 355-1211 — Fax (843) 355-1232
Former Majority Whip, represents South Carolina’s 6th District, in Congress since 1993; formerly teacher and State Human Affairs Commissioner
Pramila Jayapal: (202) 225-3106 D.C. —— (206) 674-0040 District
2346 Rayburn House Office Building — Washington. DC 20515 — Fax: (202) 225-6197
District Office: 2033 6th Ave, Suite 1011 — Seattle, WA 98121
Chair, Congressional Progressive Caucus, represents Washington’s 7th District, in Congress since 2017; formerly State Senator and civil rights activist.
Ro Khanna: (202) 225-2631 D.C. —— (408) 436-2720 District
306 Cannon House Office Building — Washington, DC 20515
District Office: 3150 De La Cruz Blvd., Suite 240 — Santa Clara, CA 95054 — Fax: (408) 436-2721
Represents California’s 17th District, in Congress since 2017; formerly practicing attorney, also taught at Santa Clara University School of Law and jurisprudence at San Francisco State University; does not accept campaign contributions from PAC’S or corporations.
Media Contact Information
It is more difficult than one would expect to contact specific columnists at major newspapers or cable news stations hosts. In researching this, we found that the format for contacting individuals at the corporate level is typically first name or initial, dot, last name @ nytimes.com or washpost.com, or wsj.com, etc. We’ve used this formula in the past when writing to columnists, and the emails were not bounced back, but it’s not known whether they were delivered to their intended recipients.
If anyone has better information, please let us know in the comments section, or by emailing me directly: JerryWeiss@Substack.com
Another option is to write a Letter to the Editor and specify “Attn: (Columnist Name)” Also, don’t overlook columnists at your local newspaper, many of whom are syndicated.
New York Times:
Letters to Editor: letters@nytimes.com
You can try using this format for these columnists: first.last@nytimes.com
David Brooks, Gail Collins, Ross Douthat, Bret Stephens, David French, Michelle Goldberg, Nicholas Kristof, Jamelle Bouie, Thomas Edsall, Ezra Klein, Charles Blow
Washington Post:
Letters to Editor: letters@washpost.com
You can try using this format for these columnists: first.last@washpost.com
Jennifer Rubin, Greg Sargent, Danielle Allen, Max Boot, E.J. Dionne (ej.dionne), Mitch Daniels, David Ignatius, Ruth Marcus, Eugene Robinson, Paul Waldman, Fareed Zakaria, Karen Tumulty, Helaine Olen, Dana Milbank, Michelle Norris
Wall Street Journal:
Opinion/Editorial page: edit.features@wsj.com
Letters to Editor: wsjcontact@wsj.com
You can try using this format for these columnists: first.last@wsj.com
William Galston, Daniel Henninger, Peggy Noonan, Jason Riley, Kimberley Strassel, Adam O’Neal, Allysia Finley, Sadanand Dhume, Kate Odell
Independent writers:
Robert Reich (robertreich@substack.com), John Kasich (info@johnkasich.com), Charlie Sykes (morningshots@substack.com), Mona Charen (monacharen@thebulwark.com), Chris Cilliza (chriscillizza@substack.com), Jay Kuo (statuskuo@substack.com), Steven Beschloss (sb@stevenbeschloss.com) , Jill Lawrence (jilldlawrence@yahoo.com)
MSNBCTVinfo@nbcuni.com, Rachel Maddow (rachel@msnbc.com)
Rachel Maddow is the only MSNBC host whose email address is easily found — don’t know why. But the format suggests that perhaps Joy Reid, Chris Hayes and others can be reached by using joy@msnbc, chris@msnbc, etc. Just guessing here.
CNN website does not provide any contact information. If anyone can find out more, please let us know in the comment section or by emailing me directly at JerryWeiss@Substack.com.
I am new here, but I want you to know we are out here, and we are willing to work -- including making follows to the efforts to find you. I’m spreading the news. ✔️
Thank you Jerry for this comprehensive list. A lot of work on your part. Readers, let the calls begin!