Terrific reporting. I will try call and write this week, per your suggestions. We are at a turning point in History....thank you!

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Thank you, Elisabeth. I agree, something does feel different right now. All the cracks in the Republican Party are starting to connect, amplifying the structure's overall weakness. This is a moment when we can have real impact!

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Honestly, I think that at this point, we can safely assume that there are no more "normal Republicans", at least none who exercise any real power. Even those who are not expressly/openly MAGA do not do anything other than kowtow to those who are, because the fact of the matter is that MAGA is in firm control of both the elected representatives and those who vote in the primaries. That is what/who the Republicans are now.

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Thanks for continuing to support our effort, Ian, despite being discouraged about our prospects. Unfortunately, we don't have the luxury of surrendering. If we do that, what happens next?

Progressive Democrats are generally reluctant to admit it, but only Republicans themselves can stop MAGA extremism. That’s partly what makes our task such a massive lift. Distasteful as it may be, empowering moderate Republicans is the most effective way to protect the House of Representatives from a very real threat coming from within. They need to be encouraged, i.e., enhance their courage.

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Watching this Republican clown show from a distance (Canada) is very scary (too close to home) but I am heartened by the ongoing efforts of Jerry and his like-minded citizens to fight back through truly democratic means.

The Cowardice of Kevin McCarthy was evident in his voice and demeanour yesterday when he unilaterally declared this new witch-hunt/fishing expedition. Are we living in an Age of Delusion? Here in Canada we're facing a mini-Trump populist leading in the polls and using Trump's playbook - tapping into anger and fear and frustration - so we too may need to follow your lead soon.

Congrats to everyone here for your efforts to bring sanity back to government.

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Great to hear from you, Roger! Thanks for chiming in and cheering us on.

I surely hope our good neighbors to the North have learned from America's mistakes since 2016, and doesn't have to repeat the experience.

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Thank you so much for giving me actual tasks I can do, rather than more handwriting and pronouncements of "Isn't it terrible? WAAA!" with no following suggestions. I'll start writing and calling today.

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Excellent, Karla. Thanks.

Like you, I'm impatient with whining and complaining with no action. (I think you got auto-corrected from hand-wringing.)

But I do recognize that not everyone is good at writing or comfortable making phone calls, so always welcome those who at least cheer us on from the sidelines.


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Are you posting on Daily Kos? Robert Reich? Please do so as there are lots of potential helping hands there. Thanks.

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I do subscribe to Prof. Reich's substack, and often post comments there. I know many of our members have come from there. I haven't been reading Daily Kos though. Thanks for the suggestion. See you there. -J

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Please go over set up an account and introduce yourself. It's the largest progressive group on the internet, so you should find a lot of sympathetic ears, especially as people want to have something to DO, rather than reading more emails about how the sky is falling. IMO, though, they're overly concerned with "going high" and "being nice" to people who want to kill us. However, you will get dinged, and probably downvoted, if you use "MAGAts" or other "slurs" for Republicans. They are asking that you criticize policies, not people, and avoid name calling. Just a heads-up so you are aware of the thinking on this issue.

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Thanks, will do. I do make a point of "going high", not so much with "being nice". Being nice is appropriate for cocktail parties, but doesn't really work with political parties.

IMO, slurs like MAGAts, etc. are kind of childish. My practice is to call people what they call themselves, even if it seems inappropriate (e.g., Freedom Caucus).

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"Unfortunately, since all Members just took a six-week vacation, there’s no longer enough time to pass these bills before the deadline." With substantial respect, Jerry, I disagree. There is plenty of time to pass the bills because the Senate has provided the language of all 12. When we accept the Congressional idea of a work schedule, we forget a lesson we all learned back in kindergarten - if you don't finish what you're working on before recess, you either don't go to recess or you finish it as soon as you get back. It's time these children remembered the lessons of their youth and got back to the country's business.

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I agree with you, Dave. Objectively, there is plenty of time.

On the other hand, I suspect you haven't been in a kindergarten classroom for quite a while. Objectively, five minutes is enough time for everyone to get their coats on before going out. But getting all the children to do what they're supposed to be doing takes a lot longer than you might think.

And when a group of them have decided they don't want to wear their coats (or pass 12 bills), it can take forever.

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LMAO Jerry. It has been more than a couple of weeks even since my daughter was in Kindergarten. I suspect that the rest of September for the House GOP will look like a bad version of the Forever War. Unhappily, such reasonable people as still remain there are the most likely to turn to dust.

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