President Biden’s speech in Canada was very positive and uplifting, in the face of very serious challenges which went unmentioned. It was encouraging but did not contain initiatives that are not already apparent. Biden did well in his presentation … for a VERY OLD MAN.
The media’s focus on the letter threat against the district attorney who dares to take on Trump, and his cadre of enemies, is probably another failed attempt to wake the American public to the fact that our nation is under attack by internal violent terrorists. I doubt that our sleeping public will be moved to action until the MAGA extremists actually cause an economic collapse. But the media will continue to warn, despite such warnings falling on deaf ears. This is important and deserves coverage.
As to the political power which this group attempts to create out of a docile public, I would ask … How much do you provide in campaign contributions? Until you can threaten the jobs of members of Congress, you will not get much attention. Have you enlisted in your cause any members of that small group of campaign contributors who has and will decide who runs for office and especially who does NOT? Until the American public makes campaign contributions illegal, we proceed under “He who has the gold rules.”
Jay, that very old man is a wise and effective leader. He has initiated and passed more substantive programs for our country in his first two years as president than had been done in the previous 10 years. And he did so after inheriting a government shredded by his predecessor.
As to what you call my group, we are not an arm of some electoral campaign. We are a network of citizens who still believe in representative democracy. Most of us have decades of experience with political activism and need no lectures about the power of money in politics.
We have knocked on doors, made phone calls, distributed literature, sat through endless meetings, marched in the street, written letters, registered voters, and also brought in the pizzas, mopped the floors and turned out the lights at the end of the day. We are the blood that flows through the veins of our system of government, bringing oxygen to all who speak reverently of liberty and justice for all.
Raising and spending money is not what we do. Raising and expanding awareness is what we do. If you've been reading my posts, you would have seen this:
"This site is a meeting place for activists and their supporters. It's purpose is to facilitate doing something about an issue rather than just talking about it. Currently that issue is the Speakership of Kevin McCarthy empowering radical MAGA extremists."
If you'd like to help, or offer encouragement to those who are helping, welcome aboard.
So well stated. Thank you for crystallizing this for us. I look forward to the upcoming post with specific names and contact info and suggested talking points.
President Biden’s speech in Canada was very positive and uplifting, in the face of very serious challenges which went unmentioned. It was encouraging but did not contain initiatives that are not already apparent. Biden did well in his presentation … for a VERY OLD MAN.
The media’s focus on the letter threat against the district attorney who dares to take on Trump, and his cadre of enemies, is probably another failed attempt to wake the American public to the fact that our nation is under attack by internal violent terrorists. I doubt that our sleeping public will be moved to action until the MAGA extremists actually cause an economic collapse. But the media will continue to warn, despite such warnings falling on deaf ears. This is important and deserves coverage.
As to the political power which this group attempts to create out of a docile public, I would ask … How much do you provide in campaign contributions? Until you can threaten the jobs of members of Congress, you will not get much attention. Have you enlisted in your cause any members of that small group of campaign contributors who has and will decide who runs for office and especially who does NOT? Until the American public makes campaign contributions illegal, we proceed under “He who has the gold rules.”
Jay, that very old man is a wise and effective leader. He has initiated and passed more substantive programs for our country in his first two years as president than had been done in the previous 10 years. And he did so after inheriting a government shredded by his predecessor.
As to what you call my group, we are not an arm of some electoral campaign. We are a network of citizens who still believe in representative democracy. Most of us have decades of experience with political activism and need no lectures about the power of money in politics.
We have knocked on doors, made phone calls, distributed literature, sat through endless meetings, marched in the street, written letters, registered voters, and also brought in the pizzas, mopped the floors and turned out the lights at the end of the day. We are the blood that flows through the veins of our system of government, bringing oxygen to all who speak reverently of liberty and justice for all.
Raising and spending money is not what we do. Raising and expanding awareness is what we do. If you've been reading my posts, you would have seen this:
"This site is a meeting place for activists and their supporters. It's purpose is to facilitate doing something about an issue rather than just talking about it. Currently that issue is the Speakership of Kevin McCarthy empowering radical MAGA extremists."
If you'd like to help, or offer encouragement to those who are helping, welcome aboard.
So well stated. Thank you for crystallizing this for us. I look forward to the upcoming post with specific names and contact info and suggested talking points.
Thank you, Barb.
There will be lists, tips and a sample message or two in just a few days.