Aug 22, 2023Liked by Jerry Weiss

I so value your insights and your brilliant writing, Jerry, and I agree that it makes sense to keep Feathers of Hope pointed in its original direction (although I often despair at the unlikelihood of its success in helping unthrone the Speaker 😫). And I think it’s also a wonderful idea to add commentary on other current topics in a separate section. How about “Other Food for Thought and Action” or some other more proactive title (I’m sure you will find a catchier title!)?

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Jerry, The House is not going to function normally until McCarthy is replaced and the MAGA reps are rendered mute. As the indictments begin to sink in and the pressure builds on TFG, the crack in the GOP wall widens. House Republicans are feeling the reality. Many are frustrated with the lack of meaningful progress in doing the jobs they were elected to do. I see this as a moment to speed up not slow down. Keep pushing on replacing McCarthy.

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 23, 2023

Jerry, You know from our correspondences the high regard I maintain for how your keen intellect informs your actions. That understood, you might recall, on the matter of casting their votes in support of the McCarthy-Biden debt repayment negotiations, that House Democrats mostly refrained from voting until House Republicans, in large blocs, had cast votes supporting the package. Similarly, for me at this point, whether so-called establishment House Republicans operate in good faith to avert a government shutdown, a moment of reckoning invariably will follow that will determine how best to summon my energy and focus moving forward.

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